Marriage between art and matter: Original artistic design vision creates new dimension.

Trend Group opened the doors of the Villa Vicenza Scalette, their headquarters since 2005, to more than 300 animals in recycled plastic, mosaic gold and colored mosaic during a big event organized in collaboration with Cracking Art artists. Visitors were welcomed by a red crocodile almost three metres long, then penguins, turtles, bears, goats, pigs and round Kekazzè which populate the gardens of the Venetian villa. While in the internal halls, imposing mosaic bears and penguins made their appearance, from the exclusive collection that Trend Up, creative workshop Trend, developed with the group Cracking Art.

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Trend in collaboration with the set designer Angelo Jelmini, transformed the ground floor, office and meeting rooms, into a futuristic scenario of warm arctic gold and silver reflections, playing with transparency and lighting effects. The smaller animals, 120 cm tall, accompanied the public in the lounge, while in a theater, an audience of penguins projected images of the most spectacular Cracking installation made in Italy and abroad. The largest animal undertaken by Trend: a black mosaic penguin of 290 cm.

trend mosaic penguins

The bears and penguins are embellished by pieces of mosaic glass, with a thin leaf 24 carat gold, while other versions are coated with colored pieces of hand-cut glass from the Karma collection, to obtain special lighting effects and depth in hues of green, dell’azzurro, yellow, red, black and white glacial.

trend mosaic glass penguin

They take shape as design objects with great cultural value and aesthetic ideals to give a touch of uniqueness to luxury environments both public and private.

Trend’s support of the world of contemporary art through this arrangement with Omar Ronda, founder of the artistic movement avant-garde, was immediate: a strong environmentalist message was launched through this event.

Cracking is a jargon term stole from the petrol-chemical industry which is the process of transforming the raw virgin naphtha, which is the basis for industrial production of synthetic materials including plastic. Ronda, along with fellow William Sweetlove, Renzo Nucara, Marco Veronese, Alex Angi, and Carlo Kicco Rizzetti, used recycled plastics to represent examples of animals threatened with extinction, symbolically returning to this artificial substance from its original naturalness.

An ironic and dissacratoria, finding its highest expression through open-air installations in urban areas, such as the Venice Biennale where Trend participated with gold bears and red penguins exposed to Bauer, in the Piazza San Marco and the Giudecca Island.

trend mosaic glass bear

The event at the Villa Vicenza Scalette 2007 was a fruitful cooperation that confirmed Trend’s artistic vocation. Trend has received U.S. certification of eco-compatibility launching a line of mosaic obtained from the recycling of industrial materials and consumption, enriching their commitment to “green”.