Çingene Kızı / The Gypsy Girl Mosaic – Gaziantep, originally uploaded by Aliza Rin.

The Gypsy Girl (Menad) Mosaic

This mosaic was found in dining room of the house of Gypsy Girl (Menad). The figure became the symbol of Zeugma because of the mysterious look she had in her eyes. When it could not be identified it got named “Gypsy” because of the women’s resemblance with gypsies. But some sources draw attention to the wine in the mosaic and claim that it is Menad .

The mosaic is uncovered in the salvage excavations in October of 1998 at Zeugma.
www.gaziantepmuzesi.gov.tr/eng/zeugmamozaik2.aspFor more information about “The Gypsy Girl Mosaic” :